Preccelerator® Program Alumni nēdl Admitted to Matter Accelerator
Congratulations to SAM Preccelerator alumni company nēdl for being admitted to Matter, a media-focused accelerator based in San Francisco, California. nēdl was a part of Class 7 at the Preccelerator and recently graduated after a fantastic presentation at Demo Day.
“As we sourced Matter [class] Eight, we were on the lookout for start-ups focused on amplifying voices that aren’t always being heard; building secure technologies to protect free speech; rebuilding trust; moving beyond targeted advertising to new business models; harnessing emerging technologies like augmented reality and artificial intelligence to create new models for understanding and empathy; and creating ways for individuals and media companies to own their online identities and relationships.”
To read the full press release visit here.
About nēdl
nēdl uses proprietary Speech Recognition to let you search within 100,000+ live news, sports, talk, and music broadcast streams to find what you want and listen to the stream or add your unique voice to the global real-time database for instant discovery. Visit www.findnedl.com
For more information about the Preccelerator® Program contact Heidi Hubbeling, Director of Operations at hhubbeling@stubbsalderton.com