Tag Archives: Angel Investment

SAM Preccelerator Program Presents: “How to Network for Capital” with Len Lanzi

Join Stubbs Alderton & Markiles, LLP
for this exclusive event!


“How to Network for Capital”

This session will focus on techniques and ways to network in the VC and Angel Community.  We will interact and share best practices on business development and promoting your start-up. 

 Thursday January 26th, 2017
**Networking and Startup Demos!**

SAM Preccelerator Program participants will have demo tables where they will showcase their companies. Check them out!


Len Lanzi, Executive Director,
LA Venture Association, (LAVA)

Len Lanzi is Executive Director of LAVA, and has over 20 years of non-profit organization management and fund development experience. In his role, he works with the LAVA board of directors to direct the strategic plan and organize educational and informational programs about the venture business environment in the greater Los Angeles region.

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   Stubbs Alderton & Markiles, LLP
1453 3rd Street Promenade, Suite 300
Santa Monica, CA 90401

4th Street/Broadway ramp or in the Santa Monica Place Mall