You’re Invited to Preccelerator® Program Class 6 Demo Day + 5-Year Anniversary Party!
The Deal
Clear your calendar – It’s going down! The Preccelerator® Program Class 6 Demo Day kicks off on September 13th @ 5:30pm, and you’re invited to take part in the festivities. SAM Preccelerator® Program is our meeting spot to showcase the Preccelerator®’s current class of all-star companies to investors and the start-up community. Followed by an endless summer party and networking on our outdoor patio to celebrate the Preccelerator’s 5-year anniversary!
Appetizers and drinks on us!
The Location
1453 3rd Street Promenade, Suite 300
Santa Monica, 90401 CA
The SAM Preccelerator® is located in the heart of Silicon Beach. Off of 3rd Street Promenade, it has the ease of parking at both the Santa Monica Main Place Mall and Parking Structure #5 on the corner of 4th Street and Broadway.
The Participants
Tapp That App is passionate about finding great apps, but they know it can be difficult. So they’ve set out to solve the problem of mobile app discovery by combining social networks with app marketplaces. By doing so they allow users to satisfy their curiosity and developers to take part in one of the most powerful purchase motivators around: seeing the apps their friends and influencers are using.
RentSpree – Most apartment searches involve numerous resources, multiple applications, and too many added fees. Rather than spending massive amounts of time and money applying for individual Los Angeles apartment rentals with separate companies, they’ve created a streamlined system. Simply fill out one application, pay an inexpensive application fee, and receive a soft credit check, sparing you unnecessary damage to your budget and credit score. Best of all, their one-stop application allows you to spend more time exploring your favorite listings, and gives our renters a distinct advantage in a competitive market.
Swoppit – With recycled fashion now white hot, Swoppit offers Generation Z women 15-24 the perfect social marketplace. Here, they swap fashion with friends. Swoppit provides Gen Zers a terrific way to both expand their community and gain access to a far wider
selection of style. It’s an easy, fun experience that doesn’t pollute the market. For Gen Zers, looks count, opinions matter and Swoppit offers them the chance to refresh their closet whenever they like.
Animate Objects is an augmented reality and virtual reality development company, is excited to announce the launch of ARGO, the gamified Augmented Reality (AR) location platform. ARGO adds AR enhanced infotainment, commerce, and analytics that drive engagement and commerce at “Destination Venues” like theme parks, resort, shopping malls, as well as in-the-wild. Guests are engaged and incentivized while site operators use ARGO’s real-time dashboard to manage, monitor and analyze their properties and visitors.
The Lineup
5:30pm-Registration & Networking
6:00pm-Opening Remarks
Heidi Hubbeling, Chief Operating Officer- Preccelerator Program
6:15pm-Preccelerator Demos: 8 minute presentations / 5 minute Q&A
7:30pm-Networking + Preccelerator Anniversary Party on the Patio
We hope to see you there!