Preccelerator® Program Company Ballerz World Featured on U.S. Defense Department Blog
Preccelerator® Program company Ballerz World was featured this week on the U.S. Defense Department Science Blog in an interview discussing how the military helped prepare founders Kyle E. Cox and Nicholas Damuth, for careers in technology.
Ballerz World is the single largest marketplace that is dedicate to all things basketball. The app allows the worldwide basketball market of 500 million, and 30 million in the U.S., to connect and play basketball with one another using geo-location technology. Ballerz World features courts, players, leagues, training, multimedia, and e-commerce all through a digital platform. During its MVP phase, the Ballerz World app received more than 10 awards, including the People’s Choice Award at the CES Mobile Apps Showdown, and the Best GPS-Enabled App at the Mobile App Awards. www.ballerzworld.com.
To read the full article visit the U.S. Defense Department’s Blog here.
For more about the Preccelerator® Program, contact Heidi Hubbeling, COO at
(310) 746-9803 or hhubbeling@