Preccelerator® Program Company District2 Featured in SoCalTech Article
Cassie Betts, CEO of SAM Preccelerator® Program graduate District2 was featured in SoCalTech.com’s article “Why District2 is Creating an Online Marketplace for the Fashion Industry.”
To read the full article, click here.
About District2
District2 is a B2B collaborative online platform within the shared economy Maker’s Space. New fashion designers don’t know where to get their prototypes made. Where do I find this screen-printer? This dye house? This factory? District2 is an online B2B platform that helps designers get prototypes made in half the time, at half the price with 90% less stress. Their free search directory allows users to search our virtual garment district for contractors & service providers.
Designers can also post their projects and receive competitive bids from factories and other service providers. They will be able to leave ratings, reviews and hire contractors safely within District2.
For more information about the Preccelerator® Program, contact Heidi Hubbeling at hhubbeling@ or visit www.preccelerator.com