We allow you to add high-quality developers to your team, plug and play, on a month-to-month basis.

Neutech is the perfect hybrid of an in-house employee, an agency, and a freelancer. We give you the reliability, quality, and commitment of a full-time hire, the uptime and employee volume of an agency, and the budget flexibility of a freelancer. At Neutech, we hire designers and engineers with what we call the Neutech intangibles — qualities such as work ethic, macro product awareness, communication ability (both in terms of fluent English proficiency and forward-thinking problem-solving ability), and leadership.

Many of our clients want reliable, committed, and quality developers as soon as possible, but also want financial flexibility to grow or shrink their team based on runway or need. Neutech aims to serve the best of all worlds, where you receive staff quickly, on a month-to-month, plug-and-play basis, with the ability to scale up or down at any time with a 30-day notice. You get the intangibles of an in-house hire and the flexibility of an agency/freelancer.


  1. $2,000 credit towards your first month of design or development, when hiring Neutech for staff augmentation.
  2. $2,000 credit towards the Neutech Wave, and FREE consulting from a Neutech Growth Expert AND a Neutech Senior Technical Architect.
    • Neutech offers a consistent and proven process to deliver high-quality, scalable MVPs called the Neutech Wave. The Neutech Wave consists of four stages:

1. The Concept Phase ( 4-6 weeks): A Neutech growth expert, senior product UI/UX designer, and senior technical architect will work with you to fully flesh out, scope, design and build micro POCs of your idea. The aim is to have a fully clickable Figma prototype of your MVP, full API documentation, and full testing criteria.

2. The Build Phase ( 2-3 months): A Neutech growth expert, will continue to guide you through the build phase, where your UI/UX designer will become your QA (who better to inspect and test than the person who designed the product?), your senior technical architect, and a Neutech master builder will lead a team of senior level engineers to build your fully scoped MVP. We define a MVP as the minimum viable SELLABLE product.

3. Client Acceptance Phase ( 2-3 weeks): The client will use and test the MVP fully to look for bugs or issues with the app. The build team will stay on to fix these bugs.

4. Growth Phase: The client can choose engineers that were on the build team to continue working on growing, iterating and maintaining the product as your team grows

3. $4,000 off a NeuCheck Scan (full price is $6,000):

  • NeuCheck utilizes both AI and real-life CTO intervention to analyze your codebase. It gives you a first-hand look at what’s “under your hood.” In doing so, NeuCheck determines whether your code’s architecture is functioning properly, looks for security vulnerabilities, analyzes and identifies bugs, dissects any coding patterns, and concludes how well the codebase is actually built.
  • Read more about NeuCheck here: https://neutech.co/blog/the-doctor-will-see-your-code-now/


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Online applications for the Preccelerator® Program are now open! To qualify for acceptance, please fill out our online application. Once submitted, someone from our review committee will contact you.