Useful for you. Useless to scammers.
Identity Access Management. Reinvented.

Katsh is a SaaS Identity Access Management platform that provides a military-grade identity authentication and a consumer-grade user experience for remote client onboarding (eKYC). Our single-step verification system, protects your business from identity theft liabilities by making Personal Identifying Information (PII) useless to scammers. The state-of-the-art patent-pending technology behind Katsh (a spoof-proof biometric signature) allows end-users to authorize transactions and provide access to their identities for a variety of applications from Finance and Cryptos to Healthcare and Governments. Simply wave your hand on your smartphone to reliably verify your identity in a few seconds.

Get early access at to reserve your secure, private and touch-free biometric Digital ID.


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Online applications for the Preccelerator® Program are now open! To qualify for acceptance, please fill out our online application. Once submitted, someone from our review committee will contact you.