Kyle Herron
Chief Growth Officer & Co-founderSieo
*Team management, growth consulting, web development, branding.
Music and technology are Kyle’s worlds. As a child, he was always inspired to live out his passions. After attending the Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival, he was invigorated by the idea of removing people from their everyday idiosyncrasies. This led him to fervently pursue the field of music. His professional path started with creating Wings to the Minds, an artist collective, where he managed three rising acts, curated blog content and hosted multiple radio shows. During that time, Kyle worked in multiple corporate-level positions, ending at Columbia Records. Those experiences made him realize that the corporate life wasn’t for him, so he founded Beats for Better, an LA-based concert production company. He grew the company to $70,000 in revenue in six months, forming relationships with Golden Voice, Eventbrite, Jukely, Buygore, RaveJunky and many more. As his dream of working in music solidified, Kyle had not forgotten about technology. He’s an entrepreneur at his core, so business building is in his blood. That brought him to co-founding siëo. siëo helps startups start up. In 12 months from launching the business, Kyle played a key role in building a team of 25 high-level employees and advisors. siëo has raised over $90,000 in funding, has doubled revenue in the past 4 months, and is on track to release its first software product in October 2017. All in all, Kyle likes to do it all. He is a seasoned leader who is well-versed in understanding the vision behind an idea and how to properly execute it. Kyle truly enjoys pressure. Handling high amounts of responsibility and commanding captive audiences are things that come natural to him. Now, he’s excited to utilize the knowledge, skills and experience he’s gained to advance society towards independence, innovation and sustainability.